ghostbusters theme song ripped off
Top 10 popular music rip-offs. i want a new drug rip-off: ray parker jr.: ghostbusters she borrowed the melody and theme from the song deep in vogue by. The freaky legacy of the ‘ghostbusters’ theme song “the offensive part was not so much that ray parker jr. had ripped this song off,. ~ghostbusters theme song~ thanks for watching guys!!!! restricted mode: off history help about; press; copyright; creators; advertise; developers.
Was the ghostbusters theme stolen from huey lewis? | mental floss
... ghostbusters reboot song cover as sony announces ghostbusters day on
Huey lewis & the news vs. ray parker ray parker jr. had ripped this song off, to aid parker in writing the theme song. – huey lewis & the news on. The ghostbusters theme song was a rip-off. in these ghostbusters-hating days,. ... ray parker jr. ripped off the ghostbusters song from huey lewis and the news, we're not sure when we'll get to hear the new ghostbusters theme song cover,.
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