DIY change fuel filter for AE111 4AGE20v

Hi all, just wanna share how to replace a fuel filter on AE111 4AGE engine. I think AE101, AE92 and 4AFE engine would be the same.
p/s: Proton wira fuel filter also can be use but it come without bracket.
1-Remove fuel hose at bottom of the fuel filter. 14mm nut
2-Remove fuel filter holder at the side of the body. 10mm nut
3-Remove fuel hose at top of the filter. 17mm nut
4-As we can see here yellow Ron95 petrol has turn to black and maybe clogged injector too.
5-New fuel filter on the left.
6-New filter on the right.
After change to new fuel filter, my butt can feel my car more responsive.

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